Benchland News
The chronicles of Benchland Publishing

Norm and Dara are sixteen, still best friends. After their hair-raising escape from Morgana last year, they deserve some peace and quiet. Do they get it? Definitely not.​​
Morgana traps Norm alone. In deadly peril and without Dara or Burny, he must escape on his own.
Norm and Dara must travel to 17th-Century England to rescue Dara's infant self from Morgana—with Burny's help, of course.​
Morgana uses a puppet show to trap Norm in an old-time English village—with no memory of who he is! Burny is with him, thank goodness, but unless Dara can find him and restore him to himself, his case is hopeless.
This story brings Norm and Dara into a new phase of their long friendship. It leads directly to the final volume
Reading age 11 and up. May frighten young children.